
Follow Jesus with Grow Church Global

Jesus invited some of his early followers to "Come and see" (John 1:39). Jesus is unlike anyone else in human history. Often our preconceived ideas about him are wrong, but he gives us the Bible so that we can know who he is, what he does, and why it matters. No matter where you are on the journey, you are invited to discover the Jesus of the Bible and make your own decision about following him.

"Come, Follow Me"

When people discover the truth about Jesus, he invites them to "come, follow me" (Matt 4:19). Following Jesus includes aligning our lives with his leadership and receiving his power to become new in him (Luke 9:23). Following Jesus begins when we place our faith in him and receive him for who he is [Sovereign God and humanity's only Savior] (John 1:12). Jesus makes his followers his daughters and sons, links them with others who are living for him (1 Peter 2) as they listen to his voice through the Bible (John 10:27). Biblically, the church is not a building; rather, it is people who follow Jesus together.

GCG membership is about making a place at the table for people to discover Jesus and then follow him with growth and freedom. No one has arrived, but we can be on the journey together. What does a person need to do to follow Jesus with GCG? Just say the word (send an email), and we will include you on the journey. We treat everyone like family so that you can decide what you want your relationships with the church to be. You may call yourself a friend or family. Ultimately, it's all about what God calls us, this is why it is so important to have a real relationship with him. When you are ready to follow Jesus with GCG, contact Pastor Lou, and we will make sure you are in the know so that you can grow.


Does a person have to believe in God, Jesus, or the Bible to be a part of GCG?

Until a person decides to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior, God does not consider a person part of his family, but GCG invites everyone to join the journey to discover Jesus and follow him. So the answer is, “No,” because we believe everyone can join the journey.

Who cannot be a part of GCG?

Everyone who treats others with love and respect, and seeks to know more about Jesus without distracting others is welcome to join the journey.

How does the GCG family follow Jesus together every day?

We gather online together live on the Lord’s day (Sunday), have live online Bible studies, do an every day Bible study called Grow365, and connect with an interactive community channel.

What is Grow365?

Grow365 is an every day Bible study written by pastor Lou. It goes through the Bible in a year, chronologically, and includes several essential elements for spiritual growth ( If you are following Jesus with GCG, you will receive the Bible study, so no need to subscribe.

Is Grow365 available in book form?

The Grow365 material is available in book form under the title “Spiritual Growth: an Every Day Bible Study” (12 small volumes) from Dr. Fortier’s (Lou Fortier) author page (

What if I am a member of a church but need an online connection?

We are excited you are part of a church, but if you need an online connection, you can be a friend of GCG without leaving your church. Consider yourself a friend, and we will treat you like family.

What if I am not a Christian?

GCG is a helpful, safe place to explore Jesus and ask questions. We want to love everyone, respect others, and simply focus on the Jesus of the Bible.

What if I have questions about Jesus and Bible?

Real faith always leads to hard questions. If you consider following Jesus, you will have lots of important questions. We get it. We don’t have all the answers, but we are learning that the Bible gives us the answer to the most important questions. Your questions are welcome and celebrated here!

Will GCG have gatherings in physical locations?

Yes, we are presently working on having a base location in Kansas City in the USA, and will work to have strategic pockets of people around the globe.

Contact Us
Get in touch with us for any inquiries or assistance. We're here to help!
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